Monday, August 23, 2010

Zephyr Art TN: Stormed Out and The Start of Something Dramatically Different ...

This strange cloud rainbow was the first indication we might get rained out. It's beauty charmed us, though and we decided to wait. 

The storm was brewing, moving to the right. Thunder roared in the distance. We bravely (stupidly) murmured "It will move by us, right?" Wrong, Ms. Optimism. 

Back story: Zephyr Art agreed to join another artist (Tommy Ellis) at a charity event given by our friend Calvin Cannon. The event was called a 'White Party'.  Calvin wanted us to flank the entrance to his shop on the town square with our art booths. BUT. It rained. No, it torrentially  STORMED. So, we furiously packed up with the enormous help of Tommy. Thanks, Tommy!! 

Before the rain we snapped a photo of the new babies in our booth.  After, we should have  photographed how soaking wet we became. Think puppies after a bath. Kind of stringy and cold. (Honestly, I am just making light, we had a great time in spite of the rain.)

These are our Zephyr Art Zuper Babies! They are handmade, hand-dyed, cape wearing sweeties. Also, before the rain, we wandered down an alley and found this neat little garden...

Today: We started on our reconfigured coats. The idea is to take a previously worn blazer and turn it into a high end, unique coat. 

We purchased these coats at the thrift store for the fit through the shoulders, because we will be cutting them below the bust line and adding other elements:


We dyed the lighter colored one a light purple. 

Today we cut them apart. Tomorrow we will show you the progress and the inspiration...

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